Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a condition that causes skin to be red and itchy. The itching can be so uncomfortable it can get in the way of daily activities and cause problems when it comes to sleeping. It most commonly appears on the face, backs of the knees, insides of the elbows, hands and scalp.
The National Eczema Association estimates that over 31 million people in the U.S. have some form of eczema. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding this common skin condition. Here are just a few to help you understand eczema a little bit better.
- Eczema is contagious. This is a big one we hear all the time. You can’t ‘catch’ eczema from someone who has the disease and you can’t give it to someone by touching them if you have it.
- Eczema and acne are the same. This is false. The small bumps that eczema can cause are not acne.
- Eczema is caused by bad hygiene. The cause of the disease has nothing to do with personal hygiene. According to WebMD, doctors think eczema is caused by a combination of factors including combination of environmental, genetic and immune system factors.
- Eczema is caused by stress. While stress can trigger eczema and make it worse, stress does not cause eczema.
- Eczema can be cured. While there’s currently no cure for eczema, the condition can be better managed by knowing your personal triggers and making a treatment plan based upon that information.
Researchers at ActivMed are currently studying potential new eczema treatment options. If you or someone you love is struggling to manage eczema symptoms, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. Qualified participants are closely evaluated by board-certified dermatologists and other medical professionals, and may even gain access to new treatments before they are available to the general public. Compensation is also available for travel expenses. To learn more, click HERE.